WELL Spring Airsoft Sniper Rifle Scope and Scope Rings Included! Easily pump up to 410 FPS (0.2G). Shoot very quiet. A decent sniper rifle.
Product Features
* Well Spring Airsoft Sniper Rifle
* Capacity: 30 Rounds
* 410 fps (0.2 g BB) / 200-250 feet
* 3-9 x32 Scope & Scope Rings Included
the gun is really accurate (using the red dot scope that i had from another gun)
2. its powerful(400-450 fps), able to shoot through a cardboard box straight through
3. it's practically silent, even firing at night
4. it comes with a sling
5. it also comes with a 30 rd magazine/clip
6. its mostly metal: the receiver, the bolt, bolt-handle, and basically everything except the butt stock giving it an ultra realistic look, handling and feel
1.its a little unbalanced and HEAVY , but not to hard to shoot
2. the add said it came with a 3-9 mil dot scope and the gun didn't come with it Im currently awaiting a reply from amazon on this issue.
3.the cocking mechanism is smooth although it is stiff and needs a good 15-20 lbs of force to cock but that should decrease as the gun goes through a break-in period.
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